
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Dondakaya Vepudu

Below is a delicious dondakaya vepudu recipe.
Dondakaya / Tindora - 1 lb
Cumin - 1/4 tsp
Mustard seeds - 1/4 tsp
Tumeric - 1/2 tsp
Onions - 1/2 cup finely chopped 
Ginger garlic paste - 1 tsp
Salt - as per taste
Coriander leaves - finely chopped
Coriander powder - 1 tbsp
Dry coconut powder - 3 tbsps
Oil - 5 Tbsps

Clean and cut the tindora into medium thin slices. Heat 5 Tbspoons of oil in a pan and  roast them for about 10 minutes and set aside.
In an another pan heat 1 tsp of oil. Add cumin, mustard, onions and stir well. After the onions become slight golden brown color add turmeric, ginger garlic paste, red chilli powder, coriander powder, dry coconut powder, salt and cilantro. Roast them for about 2 minutes. Now add roasted tindora to it and mix well. Let it cook for 3 more minutes and its ready to be served.

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